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Writing, Reading and Stuff

Husband, father, author and a man who seems capable of holding seven streams of nonsense in his mind at any one moment. I read a lot, have a passion for cinema and am greatly enjoying living through this golden age of television. (To think, there was a time where I never watched TV). I like to think that I have an array of different interests, but I might be lying to myself about that and am really just exploring different facets of the same interests. I am attempting to improve myself though, trying to grow as a human being by pushing my boundaries, finding out new things and then seeing what happens.
I’ve had two novels of supernatural fiction published, ‘The Wannabes’ and ‘Hell’s Secrets’, both of which are available on Amazon. The last five years have been odd for writing, in that I seem to have spent a fair deal of time doing it, but never – despite all my best intentions – have I got to a conclusion. I’ve become one of those people with a dozen unfinished stories, novels, even the odd screenplay. Hopefully now though I have the bit between my teeth again and am doing my best to fill all my free time with writing, writing, writing.

Planning to read books